Experts in powerline services & training
Blackcomb Helicopters has the requisite experience, knowledge, and fleet diversity to help any company from concept to construction and maintenance. We have been operating single and twin-engine helicopters since 1989. We're an industry leader in utility and power line support and have developed a highly skilled flight team that works exclusively on powerline projects. Our pilots have extensive experience with a full range of worth methods for powerline utility operations including but not limited to hoisting, Class D fixed fine, precision longline, and pulling conductor, which can satisfy your specific project requirements.
Blackcomb Helicopters is regularly audited by companies such as BC Hydro, Quanta, Shell Americas, Flight Safety Foundation (BARS) and more.
All Blackcomb’s utility pilots attend the Wire Strike Avoidance Course. This course was originally facilitated in BC by Blackcomb Helicopters who co-hosted the inaugural course with BC Hydro.
Our hydro utility management team travelled to California to participate in a day review of powerline utility work methods employed by Southern California Edison, which included live demonstrations of Class D insertion methodology
We also have pilots have collectively performed over 53,000 hours of hydro-approved operations since 1989.
Our capabilities & services include:
Class D Hoist/winch operations
Class D Fixed Line procedures
Pole setting
Timber (H-frame) removal and installation
Ice removal
Reinforcing steel towers
Picking conductor
Cross-arm changes
Installing conductor carts
Removal and installation of marker balls
Spacer Damper removal and installation
Pulling sock line
Glass changes
Powerline Training Facility
Concerning training, Blackcomb Helicopters has invested in and built a purpose-specific powerline training center in Pemberton, British Columbia, that replicates many of the systems we work on today. This facility was initiated by our staff and clients so we could provide realistic training for specific utility tasks in a safe and controlled environment. This training center allows the pilots and linemen to perform specific tasks in a controlled environment before executing them on the job site.
The site plan currently consists of a double circuit, 138KV monopole with 5 structures and one self-supporting lattice tower, single circuit, 230KV H-frame with 4 structures, practice H-frame structure and 2 culverts for pole sets.
The training facility is located at the Blackcomb Helicopters Pemberton Base at the Pemberton Airport (CYPS).